
Films will be considered for inclusion in the following programmatic categories:

Short Film

Films between 2-20 minutes

Feature Film

Films between 75- 100 min

Documentary Film

Films between 5- 90 min

The festival accepts Vimeo Links for the complete film.
The festival will not consider trailers or rough edits for selection purposes.

To be eligible, all films must meet the following requirements:


Iranian filmmakers

The festival accepts films by Iranian filmmakers, films in Farsi and films about Iran by filmmakers from any country


Not accept experimental

The festival accepts film of any genre. Short films can be fiction, documentary or animation film. We do not accept experimental films.



Any submitted film must have subtitles in Italian(preferable) or in English.


Produced after January 1st 2022

Any submitted film must have been produced after 30 January 2021.


No fee

The festival won’t pay any fees to films that enter competition.


20 minutes or less

For short films, films of 20 minutes or less are eligible.


Non-specified cases

The festival committee will decide on any cases which have not been stipulated in this regulations document. The signature of the applicant implies full understanding of and consent to the rules.


Screening format and Resolution

Screening format:
Mpeg2- Mpeg4 (H.264) – MOV (H.264), with inlaid subtitles.

Resolution: Full HD, 1920 x 1080– Frame rate: (25p – 50i)


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